a) Starting in 2018, subject to the exceptions described below, U.S. corporations that are part of a controlled group of corporations with an average annual gross receipts of at least $500 million for the three-taxable-year period ending with the preceding taxable year and that have foreign related-party payments in excess of certain threshold percentages, are required to pay a minimum 10 percent (minimum 5 percent for the first taxable year beginning during 2018) U.S. federal corporate income tax on their taxable income without taking into account deductions for payments made to foreign related parties (such as interest, royalties, service fees with a markup above cost, acquisitions of depreciable property from the foreign related party, etc.).
(i) This rule does not apply to Regulated Investment Companies (RICs), Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) or S corporations.
(ii) Payments to a foreign related party of cost of goods sold are not subject to this rule.
(iii) Payments to a foreign related party of service fees at cost (i.e., with no markup) are not subject to this rule.
(iv) Payments that are subject to a full 30 percent U.S. withholding tax are not subject to this rule (the rule applies on a proportionate basis to payments that are subject to a reduced U.S. withholding tax by operation of an income tax treaty).
a) In order to target perceived exploitation of legal differences across jurisdictions to escape taxation, starting in 2018, a new rule denies a deduction for any interest or royalty paid or accrued to a foreign related party if there is no corresponding inclusion in income to the related party under the tax law of its country or the related party is allowed a deduction with respect to the payment under the tax law of its country.
a) Subject to the Small Business Exception or Electing Real Property Trade or Business (ERPTOB) Exception described below, starting in 2018, deductions of any net interest expense for the year, whether paid to a related party or not, are limited to 30 percent of “Adjusted Taxable Income” of the taxpayer, which is intended to resemble EBITDA until 2021 and EBIT from 2022.
b) Amounts of disallowed interest deductions are carried forward (indefinitely) and treated as interest expense in succeeding taxable years.
c) Small Businesses Exception – The limitation on interest deductions does not apply to businesses with average gross revenue of $25 million or less for the past three years.
d) Electing Real Property Trade or Business (ERPTOB) Exception – U.S. corporations holding U.S. real property may elect to be exempt from the limitation on interest deductions if they elect to depreciate their residential rental real property over 30 years using the straight-line method (instead of 27.5 years) or their commercial real property over 40 years using the straight-line method (instead of 39 years).
a) As under current law, non-U.S. individuals or corporations are generally not subject to U.S. federal income tax or U.S. federal corporate income tax upon the sale of stock in a U.S. corporation unless the U.S. corporation constitutes a “U.S. real property holding corporation” (aka the FIRPTA tax).
a) As under current law, non-U.S. corporations are generally also subject to a U.S. “branch profits” tax of 30 percent (or a reduced treaty rate, if applicable) on their after-tax U.S. business or gains (irrespective of distributions), including their after-tax U.S. real property income or gains that are taxed to them as U.S. business income.
a) Starting in 2018, the 10 percent minimum Base Erosion Anti-Abuse Tax (BEAT) described in Section I.3. above also applies to non-U.S. corporations that derive U.S. business income or gains, including U.S. real property income or gains that are taxed to them as U.S. business income (or U.S. permanent establishment income or gains where an income tax treaty applies) except that in the case of non-U.S. corporations, only gross receipts from U.S. business income are taken into account in determining whether the corporation is subject to this rule under the $500 million gross receipt threshold.
a) Starting in 2018, the new interest deduction limitation described in Section I.5. above also applies to non-U.S. corporations that derive U.S. business income or gains, including U.S. real property income or gains that are taxed to them as U.S. business income (or U.S. permanent establishment income or gains where an income tax treaty applies).
a) As under current law, non-U.S. corporations are generally subject to U.S. federal corporate income tax and “branch profits” tax on gain from a sale or other disposition of an interest in a “pass-through” entity (such as a partnership or limited liability company) that is attributable to U.S. real property held by the “pass-through” entity.
b) The U.S. tax reform bill provides that non-U.S. corporations are subject to U.S. federal corporate income tax and “branch profits” tax (where applicable) on gain from a sale or other disposition on or after November 27, 2017, of an interest in a “pass-through” entity (such as a partnership or limited liability company) that is attributable to a U.S. trade or business held by the “pass-through” entity, thereby reversing the recent U.S. Tax Court decision in Grecian Magnesite vs. Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
a) Starting in 2018, non-U.S. individuals who derive U.S. business income, including U.S. real property income that is taxed to them as U.S. business income (or U.S. permanent establishment income where an income tax treaty applies) are subject to U.S. federal income tax on such U.S. business income at new graduated tax rates with a maximum tax rate of 37 percent instead of a maximum tax rate of 39.6 percent under current law.
a) Starting in 2018, individual taxpayers are eligible for an additional special deduction of up to 20 percent against their U.S. business income, including U.S. real property income that is taxed to non-U.S. individuals as U.S. business income.
b) The 20 percent deduction is capped by the higher of the following:
(i) 50 percent of W-2 wages paid by the business to employees; or
(ii) 25 percent of W-2 wages paid by the business to employees plus 2.5 percent of the acquisition cost of depreciable property (including depreciable real property) used in the business that has not been fully depreciated for U.S. federal income tax purposes.
a) Starting in 2018, the new interest limitation described in Section I.5. above also applies to non-U.S. individuals that derive U.S. business income or gains, including U.S. real property income or gains that are taxed to them U.S. business income (or U.S. permanent establishment income or gains where an income tax treaty applies).
a) As under current law, non-U.S. individuals are subject to U.S. income tax on gain from the sale of a U.S. real property interest, including gain from the sale of stock of a “U.S. real property holding corporation” (aka the FIRPTA tax).
b) There is no change to the maximum 20 percent U.S. federal income tax rate on long-term capital gain derived by foreign individuals upon the sale of stock of a “U.S. real property holding corporation” or upon the sale of any other U.S. real property interest.
c) Change to “carried Interest” long-term capital gain definition: As under current law, long-term capital gain is gain from a sale of the capital asset after a holding period of at least one year, except that, starting in 2018, capital gains allocated to a “carried interest” in a partnership (or in another “pass-through” entity or fund) that is held by an individual is eligible to the 20 percent long-term capital gain tax rate only if the underlying asset was sold by the partnership (or other “pass-through” entity or fund) after a holding period of more than three years.
a) As under current law, non-U.S. individuals are generally subject to U.S. federal income tax on gain from a sale of an interest in a “pass-through” entity (such as a partnership or limited liability company) that is attributable to U.S. real property held by the “pass-through” entity.
b) The U.S. tax reform bill provides that non-U.S. individuals are subject to U.S. federal income tax on gain from a sale or other disposition on or after November 27, 2017, of an interest in a “pass-through” entity (such as a partnership or limited liability company) that is attributable to a U.S. trade or business held by the “pass-through” entity, thereby reversing the recent U.S. Tax Court decision in Grecian Magnesite vs. Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
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